DIGIFORCE® – Innovation stays in the family. Experience a level of process monitoring for your production which is constantly setting new benchmarks. The devices in the DIGIFORCE® line are safe as a bank when it comes to the seamless monitoring of press-fit, joining, riveting and caulking processes, torque measurement and universal signal testing.
Unsurpassed performance scope in ist class.
Extremely rapid measurement and quick evaluation.
Support all relevant fieldbus interfaces.
Precision pro.
Highly accurate measurement results.
Automated sensor recognition and setup of evaluation elements.
Mathematical wizard.
Process security at a fair price.
What can DIGIFORCE® do?
- DIGIFORCE® monitors processes in which precisely defined functional relationships between two measured process-relevant quantities need to be demonstrated. These measured quantities are recorded synchronously during the manufacturing process or subsequent functional testing to produce a measurement curve, which is then assessed using intelligent evaluation techniques. After internal evaluation, the measurement curve and computed evaluation results are visualized on the colour display and are also output at the external control interfaces. A high-performance real-time operating system optimises the controller processes to a very rapid cycle which provides results using the global valuation system OK or NOK in only a few milliseconds.
DIGIFORCE® by burster. 10 good reasons.
- Process monitoring from the pioneers in the field.
- From your sensor and measurement technology specialists.
- Always state-of-the-art quality and technology.
- For more security in your production process.
- Reliably and sustainably stably in use around the world in thousands of applications.
- Always quickly available, even when the situation gets tricky.
- Your quick, direct contact to our product specialists at all times.
- From advice to service, all our know-how at your disposal.
- Pioneering and with personal commitment.
- burster. The brand speaks for itself.
More information on DIGIFORCE®?
- Download our new DIGIFORCE® brochure here!
Because every hit counts. Precision meets speed.
Process monitoring made by burster: Download DIGIFORCE® brochure.
- Download our new DIGIFORCE® brochure here!
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DIGIFORCE® 9311. The next generation.
- USB service interface on the front
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- Automatic setup of evaluation elements
- Evaluation results in 15 msec on average
- Fieldbus data logging in real time
- Up to 6 real-time switch signals can be utilised
- USB service interface on the front
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- Simple, quick setup on colour display with touch operation
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- 100 % process monitoring
- Precise measurement results
- USB service interface on the front
- Perfect networking thanks to flexible fieldbus integration
- Display and analysis of last 50 measurements
- Management of worker, admin and ID data
- Ethernet connection to PC or server environment
- Individual start/stop conditions
- Individual or global measurement channel settings
- Customisable real-time data transfer via fieldbus
- Intelligent signal sampling through combination of Δt, ΔX, ΔY
- Universal multiarea measurement channels
- Sensor live data via fieldbus real-time channel
- Quick USB data logging
Sophisticated technology.
- Process monitoring with graphical evaluation elements such as windows, thresholds, trapeziums and envelopes
- Quick, synchronous measurement data recording
- Evaluation results in 15 msec on average
- Flexible PLC connection using PROFINET, EtherNet/IP or I/Os
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- 100 % process monitoring
- Precise measurement results
- Precise measurement results
- Cyclical or automated sensor testing
- Very rapid measurement and evaluation
- Universal multiarea measurement channels
- 3.5” colour display with touch operation
- Flexible PLC connection using PROFINET, EtherNet/IP or I/Os
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- Customisable real-time data transfer via fieldbus
- Very rapid measurement
- Perfect networking thanks to flexible fieldbus integration
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- Intelligent signal sampling through combination of Δt, ΔX, ΔY
- Recording and analysing forward and backward moving measurement curves
- Up to 6 real-time switch signals can be utilised
Your personal benefits. And what do you get out of it?
- DIGIFORCE® 9311 offers you a lot of added value:
- With the fieldbus interfaces, you are flexible, quick and perfectly connected and you save time, costs and other resources when linking to and integrating into existing systems.
- The automated sensor recognition due to burster TEDS lets you play it absolutely safe and protects you from unwanted erroneous parameters.
- With DIGIFORCE® 9311 you benefit from our decades of experience in process monitoring.
- DIGIFORCE® 9311 increases your security in the production process and ensures optimal process capacity utilisation and greater quality output.
- With DIGIFORCE® 9311 you are now equipped for the increasingly challenging requirements of your customers and markets to come.
Suitable for your deployment. Sectors.
- DIGIFORCE® devices can be used in many different sectors.
- Automotive / Automotive suppliers
- Machine manufacturers / Special machinery
- Electronics / Elect. Engineering
- Aerospace Industry
- Precision Engineering
- Medical Technology
Suitable for your deployment. Solutions.
- DIGIFORCE® controllers are extremely versatile. They are used as early as the development and construction phase to determine reference curves. During production, they precisely monitor manual workstations, and partly and fully automated production lines, even if they are running rapid cycles or changing work piece types. High-performance ongoing process diagnosis makes it possible to detect when a process goes wrong so that countermeasures can be implemented quickly.
Press-fittingJoiningRivetingCaulkingAssembly / AffixingLatchingHand pressingStamping / Hole-punchingSealingClosingClinchingHaptic testing
DIGIFORCE® 9311. What’s new?
- Flexible fieldbus integration
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
- 3.5‘‘ colour display with touch operation
- 16 measurement programs
- Quick USB data logging
- USB service interface on the front
- Intelligent signal sampling through combination of Δt, ΔX, ΔY
- New evaluation elements (trapeziums and thresholds)
- Individual start/stop conditions
- 6 real-time switch signals
- Customisable I/O control signals
- Automatic setup of evaluation elements
- Management of worker, admin and ID data
- Display and analysis of last 50 measurements
- Individual or global measurement channel settings for every measurement program
- Recording and analysing forward and backward moving measurement curves
- Sensor live values available on fieldbus interface
- DigiControl PC software with powerful data-logging function for process data
- Cascadable multi-channel solution
Connectible, supported sensors
More information on DIGIFORCE®?
- Download our new DIGIFORCE® brochure here!
Because every hit counts. Precision meets speed.
Process monitoring made by burster: Download DIGIFORCE® brochure.
- Download our new DIGIFORCE® brochure here!
- Download the success story of DIGIFORCE® 9311 here!
100 % quality and reliability are not negotiable
Process control made by burster: Download DIGIFORCE® success story
- Download the success story of DIGIFORCE® 9311 here!
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DIGIFORCE® 9307. There is nothing better or more universal. DIGIFORCE® 9307 is the result of the sum of our customers’ application experience, putting it purposefully into practice and setting new benchmarks in the high-end field of complex process monitoring. High-performance hardware and software architecture forms the foundation for this universal controller, which fits well into any process environment and boasts an unparalleled level of precision. Universal process-controller for monitoring press-fit and joining operations, torque and process curves, plus spring and switch testing, including resistance measurement, signal testing and leak detection:
- Seamless process monitoring
- Greatest precision for the toughest demands
- Simultaneous monitoring of two synchronous processes
- Up to 128 measurement programs for a large variety of parts
- High measurement accuracy 0.05 % possible at 10 kHz sampling rate
- Flexible process integration thanks to PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, USB, Ethernet und RS232 interfaces
- Multitude of evaluation elements: Windows, thresholds, trapeziums, envelope curves, freely definable mathematical operations
- Intelligent signal sampling through combination of Δt, ΔX, ΔY
- Ultra-fast evaluation and data transfer for dynamic measurements
- Independent and variable start/stop logic
- Customisable I/O control signals
- Automatic sensor recognition due to burster TEDS
Your personal benefits. And what do you get out of it?
- Benefit from the precision, reaction time, sensor variety and flexible fieldbus interface connection.
- Solve even your most difficult monitoring tasks with flexible evaluation elements and mathematical operations.
- Reduce your quality costs – DIGIFORCE® 9307 facilitates detailed process analysis for continuous optimisation.
- With DIGIFORCE® 9307 you are now equipped for the increasingly challenging requirements of your customers and markets to come.
Suitable for your deployment. Sectors.
- DIGIFORCE® devicese can be used in many different sectors.
- Automotive / Automotive suppliers
- Machine manufacturers / Special machinery
- Electronics / Elect. Engineering
- Aerospace Industry
- Precision Engineering
- Medical Technology
Suitable for your deployment. Solutions.
- DIGIFORCE® controllers are extremely versatile. They are used as early as the development and construction phase to determine reference curves. During production, they precisely monitor manual workstations, and partly and fully automated production lines, even if they are running rapid cycles or changing work piece types. High-performance ongoing process diagnosis makes it possible to detect when a process goes wrong so that countermeasures can be implemented quickly.
Press-fittingJoiningRivetingTorqueAssembly / AffixingLatchingHand pressingStamping / Hole-punchingSealingClosingLeak detectionSignal testingCaulkingRotary switchClinchingHaptic testing
Connectible, supported sensors
For more information on DIGIFORCE® 9307 visit www.burster.com
More information on DIGIFORCE®?
- Download our new DIGIFORCE® brochure here!
Because every hit counts. Precision meets speed.
Process monitoring made by burster: Download DIGIFORCE® brochure.
- Download our new DIGIFORCE® brochure here!
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